Delicate reader

Delicate reader

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

The King of the tunas

Hi again! Today I bring you the "delicacy of delicacies" how we say in Chile. I speak about the tuna, or better, a delicious book: "The king of the tunas", a book I read when I was a child and transports me to my days of bored youth. Ah! and I forget to say that my mother, in her eagerness of create a good collection of book in house, she get the book in a newspaper promotion, and the "editorial" is "stick fix", a brand of glue:

This book, written by Hernán del Solar, (that also wrote a book called "La Porota", but is a book more... how can I say it? normal?, conventional?) is about a young of 17 years old who dreams with become a millionaire someday, after he was fired from his job of dish washer at a hotel (because he threw down a dish and beat his boss).
So, a good day, the protagonist - who calls Míster Pompom- begins to dream how can he become a millionaire and see in a book store a book with the title "How can you become a millionaire?", and of course, he bought it. This book tell histories of people that with effort, enthusiasm and luck, had come to be millionaires, these were the king of the olives, the prince of half-inch screws, the great khan of sewing needles green plush etc. When finished reading the book, read the last phrase that look in the sky your lucky star. Mister Ponpom did so and finally he found the millionaire idea: bury empty cans to earth. After, he offer to the importer preserves his magnificient tunas and ask if the dealer has more cans. The day the importer give the cans to Mr. Pompom he see the way Mr. Pompom get his cans, and buy the ground to do the same, but it did not work.
When the importer ask to Mr. Pompom if he can sell the tunes again, he refused because he already made a deal with other importer and he was already rich, and he married with the daughter of the king of the hams.

2 comentarios:

  1. This seems like a interesting book. Now, for some odd reason, I really want to read it....
    Thanks for sharing!


  2. Thank you for your review, Karina.

    Be careful with sentence formulation because it´s difficult to figure out what you want to say.Ask a friend for help and advise.

    1 pt
