Delicate reader

Delicate reader

martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

About Me

Hi! my name is Karina, and I want to be a librarian. I know what you thing right now: well, this is not so difficult, just go to a library and get ready to boring and sleep in front of a lot of books. And maybe you will be shocked if I add I will be a future librarian because I study to become a professional librarian. 
To tell my story I need to begin in the beginning, of course. I was born in the quiet city of Los Andes, V. region of Chile. Maybe I consider it is a quiet city because now I am in a big city studying. Yes, the typical story of a peasant girl that comes to the metropolitan city and feels like -as chilean saying- a pig in a mass.
So, come on to he acts. When I was a child, at the age of 8, the only thing I did to spend time was reading all day.  I started in a boring, raining and sad day, when I took a book of the bookshelves on my home: "The Chronicles of Narnia". That was one of the many books that my cousin gift me before she died.